# fusioninventory agent configuration # all defined values match default # all commented values are examples # # Target definition options # # send tasks results to an OCS server #server = http://server.domain.com/ocsinventory # send tasks results to a FusionInventory for GLPI server server= line server = https://miltonochoa.synology.me:82/glpi/plugins/fusioninventory/ # write tasks results in a directory #local = /tmp # # Task definition options # # disable software deployment tasks #no-task = deploy #tasks = inventory,deploy,inventory # # Target scheduling options # # maximum delay before first target, in seconds delaytime = 3600 # do not contact the target before next scheduled time lazy = 0 # # Inventory task specific options # # do not list local printers # no-category = printer # allow to scan user home directories scan-homedirs = 1 # allow to scan user profiles scan-profiles = 1 # save the inventory as HTML html = 0 # timeout for inventory modules execution backend-collect-timeout = 180 # always send data to server force = 0 # additional inventory content file additional-content = # # Package deployment task specific options # # do not use peer to peer to download files no-p2p = 0 # # Network options # # proxy address proxy = # user name for server authentication user = # password for server authentication password = # CA certificates directory ca-cert-dir = # CA certificates file ca-cert-file = # do not check server SSL certificate no-ssl-check = 0 connection timeout, in seconds timeout = 180 # # Web interface options # # disable embedded web server no-httpd = 0 # network interface to listen to httpd-ip = # network port to listen to httpd-port = 62354 # trust requests without authentication token httpd-trust = # # Logging options # # Logger backend, either Stderr, File or Syslog (Stderr) logger = File # log file logfile = /var/log/fusioninventory.log # maximum log file size, in MB logfile-maxsize = 10 # Syslog facility logfacility = LOG_USER # Use color in the console color = 0 # # Execution mode options # # add given tag to inventory results tag = # debug mode debug = 0